Workbooks offer the independent practice necessary for students to hone their skills. Corresponding to textbook material, lessons begin with fundamentals and progresses to more challenging problems.
Features & Components:
- Basics: Provide a review of basic concepts covered in textbooks.
- Practice: Reinforces and consolidates learning through practice problems.
- Challenge: Offers advanced enrichment through challenging problems.
- Check: Gives students a chance to confirm their understanding.
Note: Two workbooks (A and B) for each grade correspond to the two halves of the school year. Answer key not included. Soft cover. Grades PK-2 Workbooks are perforated.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Numbers to 1,000
Lesson 1: Tens and Ones
Lesson 2: Counting by Tens or Ones
Lesson 3: Comparing Tens and Ones
Lesson 4: Hundreds, Tens, and Ones
Lesson 5: Place Value
Lesson 6: Comparing Hundreds, Tens, and Ones
Lesson 7: Counting by Hundreds, Tens, or Ones
Lesson 8: Practice
Chapter 2: Addition and Subtraction — Part 1
Lesson 1: Strategies for Addition
Lesson 2: Strategies for Subtraction
Lesson 3: Parts and Whole
Lesson 4: Comparison
Lesson 5: Practice
Chapter 3: Addition and Subtraction — Part 2
Lesson 1: Addition Without Regrouping
Lesson 2: Subtraction Without Regrouping
Lesson 3: Addition with Regrouping Ones
Lesson 4: Addition with Regrouping Tens
Lesson 5: Addition with Regrouping Tens and Ones
Lesson 6: Practice A
Lesson 7: Subtraction with Regrouping from Tens
Lesson 8: Subtraction with Regrouping from Hundreds
Lesson 9: Subtraction with Regrouping from Two Places
Lesson 10: Subtraction with Regrouping across Zeros
Lesson 11: Practice B
Lesson 12: Practice C
Chapter 4: Length
Lesson 1: Centimeters
Lesson 2: Estimating Length in Centimeters
Lesson 3: Meters
Lesson 4: Estimating Length in Meters
Lesson 5: Inches
Lesson 6: Using Rulers
Lesson 7: Feet
Lesson 8: Practice
Chapter 5: Weight
Lesson 1: Grams
Lesson 2: Kilograms
Lesson 3: Pounds
Lesson 4: Practice
Review 1
Chapter 6: Multiplication and Division
Lesson 1: Multiplication — Part 1
Lesson 2: Multiplication — Part 2
Lesson 3: Practice A
Lesson 4: Division — Part 1
Lesson 5: Division — Part 2
Lesson 6: Multiplication and Division
Lesson 7: Practice B
Chapter 7: Multiplication and Division of 2, 5, and 10
Lesson 1: The Multiplication Table of 5
Lesson 2: Multiplication Facts of 5
Lesson 3: Practice A
Lesson 4: The Multiplication Table of 2
Lesson 5: Multiplication Facts of 2
Lesson 6: Practice B
Lesson 7: The Multiplication Table of 10
Lesson 8: Dividing by 2
Lesson 9: Dividing by 5 and 10
Lesson 10: Practice C
Lesson 11: Word Problems
Review 2